
Name a black actress anyone gives a shit about?

Chris Rock should go fuck himself and shut his trap.

Chris Rock, like you, is a giant pussy that’s punching down at Jennifer Lawrence instead of punching up at the people that actually determine salaries.

Fuck Chris Rock. When your favorite D-List “comedian” gets a lead role let me know, neckbeard.


When it comes to knowing what makes a person a total shitbag, you’re the expert. You fucking neckbeard jerkoff, you.

Just like your Aspberger’s, douche bag.

Good one, neckbeard jackass. Seriously. Real fucking funny.

Oh my, the neckbeard shitbag is upset because someone’s picking on his morbidly obese neckbeard idol again.

Thanks, Captain Obvious. Jesus, you’re an idiot.

Jesus, take your meds, you neckbeard shitbag.

Let the Asperger’s flow through you, neckbeard!

Calm down, neckbeard.

Takes one to know one, neckbeard!

No, you didn't. But, being an idiot neckbeard, you thought you had to. Because, well, you're a neckbeard idiot.

Jesus Christ, you’re a fucking dipshit. Grow up.

Why do you insist on being an idiot?

Please stop being an idiot.

What’s it like to be your only fan, neckbeard? Seriously, shut the fuck up. I’ve never seen anyone post so much idiotic stuff as you. Get a grip and take your meds.

Even for you, that comment is remarkably ignorant, neckbeard.