
Jesus fucking Christ. Now Im speaking as someone who has never witnessed something like that but the idea that SIX FUCKING PEOPLE SAW A MAN MOLEST A CHILD AND DID LITERALLY NOTHING just shatters any faith I had in the goodness of man. I kind of want JoPa to get another statue just so everyone can desecrate it

Glad to see Arnold Babar’s little girl succeeding despite the lack of elephant books

Man, this extremely shitty comment didn’t really go well for ya, did it?

Because when has that ever worked? Well, apart from Rohan. And Lando Calrissian. And the Illusive Man.

Yeah that was a plotline I was definitely always desperate to escape from. Presumably this change is a result of the presumed lack of the Mummer’s Dragon in the TV continuity. It seems likely that Dorne is going to rebel as part of Aegon’s invasion of Westeros in the books. Without that invasion it needs a different

Yes, but if that was the case, then we needed a familiar POV to introduce us to Dorne as an audience proxy, instead of relying upon Ser Whatsisname that no one cared about.

Kind of unfair to a write or screenwriter though, no? Like o you got this new idea you want to meld into your ongoing work? Too bad, you didn’t introduce it earlier so you may not open up this part of your world.

I mean, Quentyn was the worst character GRRM ever wrote, so fair dues on that one. But the REST of Dorne, I mean.

No, because the Daenerys plot has been there from the beginning. The issue with the Dorne plot (and the Aegon/Connington plot, but again, don’t get me started....) is that it was dropped in when every other storyline was more than halfway done.

We disagree about something in GoT, which one of us is supposed to initiate the name calling?

Your entire argument is pretty subjective. It didn’t feel “tacked on” to me, so I guess it isn’t. There.

I think the funniest part of this is that Jaime heading to Dorne to retrieve Myrcella in the wake of Joffrey’s death actually (at least to me) makes more sense than Doran’s plan in the books. In the wake of the King being poisoned, it’d make sense to circle the ranks.

No, I mean Bronn should’ve been a PoV in AFFC, and sent to Dorne in that book, instead of making Ser Whatsisname into a POV and then killing him off unceremoniously after a few chapters.

I can see what you’re saying, though I have to agree with Milquetoast that it felt tacked on - not quite as much as FAegon, but not part of the original plan, either.

I agree, a visit to Dorne was inevitable. But Dorne should have been explored by an already established character, not completely brand new ones that came out of nowhere.

but I don’t think it’s your place to say what is and is not “tacked on” — as you don’t know where this story is headed.

I totally agree. It introduces characters like Dark Star who just appear and disappear with little seeming motivation or importance. The Sand Snakes in the book do even less than they do in the show. Quentyn Martell’s escapades in Mereen are downright silly and his plan for accomplishing his goals is basically

Oh lord, don’t even get me started on Aegon and Jon Connington.

Preaching to the choir about it does no good, you reptilian turd. Where do you get off making those assumptions about me or what I believe? He’s reciting the same shit 50 other people in the same thread will say and do on every other thread here. It’s blatant star fishing. Get a damn clue.

dead horse. low hanging fruit. fishing. can add more if you like.