
If anyone can predict the future about a movie based on a comic book that’s pure idiocy, it’s a George Martin neckbeard fanboy.

Does it have dragons too? We know how much you love them, neckbeard.

We all know how much you love GIFs, neckbeard. Without them, how would you be able to communicate?

As always, you’re cracking me up. I don’t give a fuck about blacks getting Oscars, but the fact you think Ride Along 2 is some kind of achievement shows me why you think George “Fat Fuck Neckbeard Idol” is great lit.

How about George Martin bullshit, fanboy?

Goddam you’re my fave. Of all the retarded comments you made (i.e., everything you write) this one’s the best.

Don’t stop being a dumbass. Moar comments to mock, please, neckbeard.

LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Someone mentions Game of Thrones and you come running.

Hi dummy. You’re not familiar with irony, I take it. Who are YOU to say the OP is not the arbiter of good taste?

Jesus, now you’re jealous of fictional characters getting laid. Don’t worry, I’m sure one day you’ll find a prostitute that will sleep with and you won’t be so jealous.

Generally, all brains are soft as it is an organ and not bone. Idiot.

In other words, someone just like yourself!

Not as bad as that awkward moment you realize when you inevitably acknowledge you’re a neckbeard idiot.

Why are you always such an idiot?

You fanboys are pathetic. Martin himself admitted he promised his publisher the book would be ready by Halloween 2015 (it wasn’t) then January 31 (it wasn’t).

You’re a goddam moron and a blight on the human race.

OK, fanboy, OK.


“Judicial law” is the dumbest thing I’ve seen you write, and that’s quite an achievement.

God, you can’t help but comment on every fanboy story, can you.