
You’re an asshole and an idiot and proven liar as well and, as a morbidly obese neckbeard idiot, you’re far worse than he is.

Calm down, fanboy, and take your meds.

Have you taken your meds today?

In the first one, did the guy name his dog “You Fucking Piece of Shit” because it came to him when he said it.

I’m sure the Steelers will happily take the two Super Bowl rings (and the amazing win last night) over unproven allegations about their QB.

The only response Burfict has to any question is “I’m a borderline retarded piece of shit.”

I haven’t read Ronay’s essay, but will make a point to do so, but I think what you’ve written is consistent with how I understand literary criticism of the genre. Thanks much for the recommended read and hope to see you around.

I think the point is that by creating a fantasy world, with a fantasy economy, nations, races, etc. you’re working outside the framework that “real” authors have to work in. To literary critics, that’s not worthwhile. The only author I can think of that won a major literary award in recent memory is Cormac McCarthy

D’oh! Thanks for the correction. Hammett and Chandler confuse me!

I agree with you on that. Lots of crime fiction is pure formula and cut-and-paste cliches. So are romance novels, military novels, and lots of other genre fiction.

There’s a point to be made along the same lines that the genre’s tropes ARE gobbledygook. And that’s what trips up sci-fi/fantasy lit. In order to appreciate it, you have to accept the gobbledygook to start the story. We’ve colonized Mars (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress), a Messiah figure was raised on Mars (Stranger in

I’m starting to think that people are just posting and pretending to be stereotypical Martin fanboys.

Goodnight. But you should know that goatse isn’t the biggest asshole on the Internet, or even close, to the giant asshole you know you are. You take the ass-cake, fanboy. No wonder you love neckbeard Martin’s books!

Either way, your estimate of yourself was accurate: You’re the giant asshole you know you are.

I don’t think I’m a dickhead, but totally agree you’re the giant asshole you know you are. You know yourself well, fanboy.

GREAT! So, April 24 is when all the book nerds head’s explode! CAN’T WAIT!

WTF is “repetitional” harm? An illiterate attorney’s way of spelling “reputational”?

If I trolled, you’ve fed me. That’s why you’re a dumb person, if you accept your premise. Good riddance.

I “attacked” George Martin fanboys for being . . . Well, Martin fanboys.

Not at all. I actually enjoyed the first three books in the series. The last two are trash, but the first three have a lot going for them.