
You’re the one that admitted you’ve read “and admired” neckbeard Martin’s work since before he actually published anything.

OK, fanboy.

By the way, Martin didn’t publish anything “in the sixties”. So, you must be one of his family members or something.

Yes! Red Harvest is my favorite Chandler book and I think it’s as relevant today as when he wrote it. Great writer.

Right, you’ve been reading him for 50 years, but you’re not a fanboy at all. Makes total sense, fanboy.

Agreed, but even then sci-fi writing will always be given short thrift in literary circles. It’s just harder to write stories that trigger your imagination and evoke an emotional response when you are writing in the real world.

Thanks for proving my point! You guys just can’t help yourself.

He hated Sci-Fi/Fantasy before being exposed to George. R.R. Martin fanboys? Wow.

I (in a sorta I support the First Amendment way) get mocking Ben, since he’s a public figure. But mocking the victims at the same time?

When you have all those Super Bowl trophies, who needs cheerleaders?

To the extent they do, and I’m not sure all of them truly do, those profits are going to be reduced or eliminated by having to pay for work comp, medical leave, etc.

Why don’t you catch a pass over the middle and let a 230 pound elite athlete scramble your brains. NFL players suffer far more injuries than stunt people.

First, the reason artists in general are not paid that well, especially when starting out, is because there are a great many available to do the job. Women try out for these low-paying cheerleading gigs. Many don’t make the grade. That’s how the labor market works.

YOU: These women are too dumb to make their own decisions and willingly enter into contracts they wish, so I’m going to bitch about it.

If your argument was correct (and it’s not) the California Legislature wouldn’t have had to pass the law it did.

You’re a moron. These women have contracts with the NFL where they AGREED they were independent contractors.

Your tears are sweet. And taste like vodka.

If that were true, the California legislature wouldn’t be passing this law.

The parties, the team and the cheerleaders, agreed that they’d be independent contractors. No need for anyone else to be involved.

No one with a fucking brain in his head would work for free. If you do, you get what you deserve.