pibber can't swim

It’s my transplant-aversary tomorrow.

I mean, they talked about starlord and his one night stands in the original gotg. 

To make things more interesting, her timing sucks. Sydney has for the most part had a very normal COVID-free existence for the last 15 months, but a few weeks ago an unvaccinated driver caught the Delta variant off an air crew he was transporting and now we are seeing between 60 and 120 new cases each day, which for

I’ve heard those men didn't have those beards until they got their own show.

“My personal theory...” is that his long hair is some slow-burn Samson D/s cosplay, because these are the Gaines we’re talking about. (The head of hair on Joanna/Delilah is the one worth structuring a softball interview around.)

Cops are the most pathetic and fragile creatures on earth. Fuck the police. Hire real people instead of craven thugs. 

Thankfully there already is a movie, called The Other Woman with Cameron Diaz.

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. $.05 says it’s all an influencer schtick.

Too conditional.

I hoped they would just stop at:

First off:

I’ve noticed the first bag in the roll often has a tear in it. Sometimes it’s from the sticker that seals the roll, but not always.

I’ve been trying to figure out the answer to that, too... based on the judge’s reaction, it seems less likely that it was a slap on the wrist for reasons of fame?

For anything in written in the last hundred years my least favorite book is, “I’m an alienated modern middle to upper class (white) man, simultaneously propped up by and yet saddened by the very systems that were specifically designed to benefit me at the expense of all others. I harbor a secret self-loathing and despa

I think if men are mature (in every sense) readers, they are quite willing to read female authors. Three of my husband’s favorite authors are Zadie Smith and Jennifer Eagan and Atwood. I must admit his taste - in books at least - are quite a bit more highbrow than mine! I’ll read just about anything, from prize

You forgot the subtitle: Hunter S. Thompson is My Man Crush and I Will Copy Him and Call It An Homage When Accused of Plagiarism.

You know what, I did forget “I Am on a Quest, and This Quest Is a Metaphor.” My apologies to ancient Greek men, writers named Joseph, and writers who use initials containing the letters J and R. I deeply regret the error. 

I think you might have left out ‘I am a White Man with a Whimsical Name, and the Series of Outlandish Events that are About to Happen are Deeply Emblematic of the Human Condition’. It’s hard to miss these because they are usually a thousand or so pages long. I have one that I use to prop up a monitor.

I think women understand men and where their heads are at a whole lot better than men understand women. Because we have to.

This is strange: I think I just got triggered by that last one, and I am not a person who gets triggered. Or maybe I merely remembered something that pissed me off: