Brought to you by the people who want to legalize running over protesters.
Brought to you by the people who want to legalize running over protesters.
It’s par for the course with any influencer or otherwise tabloid-worthy figure, no? Everything is a sellable moment if you are selling your life in social media.
The problem is that when you, kind and gentle commenter, refuse to use their proper pronouns, that doesn’t just indicate your disrespect of them alone. It also signals that you view transgender identities as something that can be taken away, that respecting someone’s identity is something you will only do if they meet…
Like WTF? Are they afraid vebalizing the word “abortion” is going to upset the anti-abortion nutjobs even more? The fanatics already believe all pro-choice supporters are in league with Satan to murder The Babys™. You’re not placating them by tip-toeing around it. Speak the fuck up!
suggesting workers who don’t want to continue working remotely are not as “engaged” in their work as those eager to return to the office.
Forget the MeToo angle, that statue should be banned just for being hideous and tacky. I fucking hate novelty statues but people are fucking tacky so of course they love that basic shit.
Breyer needs to retire ASAP. He’ll be 83 in August and we don’t need another repeat of RBG. Plus with a 50/50 split in the Senate and a midterm election next year nothing is guaranteed. If Republicans take back the Senate McConnell would have zero qualms about holding a vacancy open for however many years it takes…
I don’t think anything preempted it. Courtney Stodden was huge in media gossip at the time and Chrissy Teigen was a self-admitted troll. A lot of people thought her mean humor and bullying was funny. It’s crazy to me thAt she took it to the level of DMing Courtney, but I don’t think there is really a deeper story here.
Fran Lebowitz is wrong about people growing more conservative as they age. It’s a myth. The reality is that rich people live longer and rich people tend to skew Republican.
That movie was one of the early treats of quarantine! Think I'm due for a rewatch as well.
Dan Stevens! I’m your gazelle.
When is the perp walk goddammit?!? This is taking too long.
God this pissed me off so much. I hate all of them, but this hits so close to home and is so personal. I would be shaking with rage in my office if someone did that to me and could not imagine having to work in those conditions. It’s totally unacceptable and the fact that it’s apparently NOT unacceptable to people is…
I was thinking the Goblin Queen
How about just ‘Roid Rage?
Maniac Marge.
Is there any indication that it’s an evangelical church? John Mulaney was raised Irish Catholic and Olivia Munn doesn’t seem to subscribe to any particular sect but is maybe “spiritually Christian”. John is also a Very Good Egg and Olivia is also an outspoken liberal, so evangelical doesn’t feel like a fit for them.