Actually, Dr. Phil, unless you're a trained fire fighter, when the house is on fire you should GTFO.
I mean, really, if you look at the movies I have done, getting naked would never 'elevate' the picture.
I worked at a sushi place and a lot of customers would ask for sushi without rice. I'd say, "Well we also have sashimi." Then they'd freak out, "NO I DON'T WANT THAT. I WANT SUSHI, JUST NO RICE! I WANT TO TALK TO THE MANAGER."
I used to work near an Ivy League school. A book store not in food but man, oh MAN. The entitlement was overwhelming.
hnnngh. story of my life. having people treat me like i'm a mouthbreathing ignorant fool because THEY don't know what they're talking about.
In my last apartment, I was ALWAYS the one to reach in the sink and fix the garbage disposal. Also, fuck garbage disposals. I hated mine. It was constantly getting clogged and stank even though I bought the dumb cleaner things for it.
Oh man, I worked at a Chipotle next to an Ivy League university and those kids would come in and say the dumbest shit. "Is that whole wheat rice?" "I'd like a burrito without the burrito." And they'd always look at the employees like we were the dumb ones for not immediately understanding what they wanted.
No shirt, no shoes, no Savior
You're not crazy! Emotional vulnerability is TOUGH, especially when you're doing something you don't feel like you're ready for. Well done on dealing with things, though; that's tough but useful. And periods are also the worst. Grab a hot water bottle, put on your favorite movie, and pat yourself on the back for…
I'm having an emotional and difficult night. Had to deal with some intimacy issues and admit to some shit that I wasn't really ready to this weekend. I'm also getting my period. I need to feel like I'm not crazy. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
Very interesting article, thanks for posting!
THIS IS WHY I DON'T GET PAP SMEARS. (jk calm down but seriously visiting the OBGYN is stressful as hell and I hope this woman/the rest of his patients are okay)
"leaked online" Be honest Jezebel, how much did you pay for those?