pibber can't swim

I’m so sorry :( rapists are so good at getting the public to praise them while acting like manipulative garbage.

That is very, very true.

You are too sweet. Those kitties are adorable! I’ve been smothering my dogs all day lol

I haven’t but I’ve heard good things. Maybe that will be next! I wish there were 18582759 seasons of party down. 2 is not enough!

I really am sorry you’re going through this. It sucks to not feel like you have your own space.

Can you afford therapy? I also suggest trying to find a book on relationships and boundaries. You need to sort out your expectations and boundaries and communicate them clearly. He should do the same. And don’t assume they line up and that your expectations are how “normal” relationships go (I’ve done that, it’s bad!

Write it out. Again and again and again. Sort your feelings and decide if an apology is appropriate. Good luck

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all that. Not having your own space is exhausting. Do you live with a partner? Is this your partners family? If so maybe you can ask they intervene on your behalf and explain that the guests are welcome there but you still need your own time to recharge. It’s not meant as an insult

I love your perspective. I’m not ready to embrace light and love right now, but I appreciate that that’s where your head is at. Be well ❤️

I feel you, hugs. I went from rage to sadness and I’ve been wallowing today and being self destructive (I’m safe. Just doing shit I usually wouldn’t. But again, safe). I should take a melatonin and sleep it off but I think I’m gonna meet a friend at a bar. Wishing you well.

Thank you for your work.

That’s great that you can still be a part of derby even if it’s not how you’re used to participating. Good luck!

Bumping for visibility. I don’t have good advice right now, I’m sorry for what you’ve been through :(

I’ve been watching party down. It’s silly and has a great cast.

I had no idea who she was until I read that blind item. It was sickening. I can’t fathom it. It’s breaking my world that there is a giant group of pedophiles who are operating hardly under the radar and hurting kids. What the fuck.

When we stop being horrified at rape and sexual assault, ESPECIALLY when committed by an “ally”, it’s a very bad fucking day. People do not rape unconsciously. This is a decision made by a perpetrator and they need to take full fucking responsibility. We can look at this through the lens of culture and society without

There are clues to who a celebrity is I’m a gossip item, but the celebrity isn’t named (prob for legal reasons) and people guess in the comments. I’ve been seeing a lot of references to them in regards to the sexual assault cases coming out and that’s why I started paying attention. The website Crazy days and nights

Maybe they were, idk. I’m not familiar with stern and I only listened once, partially through, because the silence followed by the comment about persuasion was enough for me. I believe the accuser and I hope Takei’s reputation doesn’t cause others to doubt Brunton

It’s only going to get crazier, I think. Stay away from blind items unless you feel like making yourself sick. And don’t ever put your kids in show business (if you have any)