Oh look, a bear!

“I found detective Pikachu moribund, lacking in good jokes, structure or character.”

Thank you for a measured and eloquent explanation of the usefulness of lightbars, as they tend to be co-opted by the dudebros ‘just because they can.”™.

Woah wait what?! I enjoyed FFXIII but never got around to the sequels... Shiiiiit who am I kidding if I do that I’ll just start over at the beginning.

I’m still scarred by the memories of my virtual boy...

No Carrot Top?! I demand a recount!

I haven’t played anything but Red, LGP and shield, so I’m kind of confused.


I kind of love it. It’s not trying to be fancy, it’s function over form which definitely has its place (looking at you Tesla).

Can confirm - I had a manual ‘97 Saturn SW2. Got it in 2003 for $4,000 with 43k miles and drove it until it had 250k miles, 9 years later.

Bought FFXV on a sale - I think maybe Prime Day(?) and yeah, haven’t even broken the packaging. It’s just that with kids I can’t get into a game that big.

This. Like it or not language is a perfect example of zeitgeist. Take our current vernacular to the 1990s, 1970s, 1950s, 1930s, etc. and you will receive a different response in each time period. In the methodology vs method example, a loss in formality means more flexible use of a word. We all have proclivities for

Anytime my wife posts something about our kids on Facebook (I’m tagged in it 99.99% of the time) my religious mother in law and grand mother in law (father in laws step mother, so no blood relation there) are both obnoxious by 1. commenting on every post. 2. always begging to see the wife and kids, because we live in

I updated my review! I updated it to say they tried to bribe me. :)

I updated my review! I updated it to say they tried to bribe me. :)

I appreciate all this deals - but I bought a pair of the Cowin E-7s and they are garbage. I’ve owned a few different pairs of “Noise Cancelling” headphones but if I’m going to spend $40 on a pair of cheaper headphones these would not be what I get. I returned mine to Amazon, posted a negative review, then Cowin

I appreciate all this deals - but I bought a pair of the Cowin E-7s and they are garbage. I’ve owned a few

I think the key point you hit on is that residents would no longer be going to an accredited program. Once that happens there will likely be a dearth of applications, and the ones who do finish will be SHOCKED when they aren’t able to practice as an OB/GYN. So shocked they’ll sue the state over the law ...then again

That’s it! I figured out who Mitch reminds me of - Vincent d’Onofrio from Men in Black.

So I’ve never looked up Swap Used before. I started with Apple Support,

I find it interesting that they didn’t mention one important thing (admittedly maybe I missed as I’m reading this on a conference call): What about the gaming psychology of inflation? That is to say, either the SR Cap increases ad infinitum, or we adjust people as the average changes.

No story on the internet has brought tears to me, especially while at work. Maybe it’s because my oldest is now 4 and I imagined how my wife and I would respond in the same situation.

Agreed, 100%. The biggest shit bag is the shit bag who asks for a thank you. Jesus fucking christ he is the biggest example of a man child I’ve ever seen. I bet when he says thank you he means a hand written thank you note too.