
It wasn’t a joke. You nincompoop. It was a fucking plot point. There’s no joke. How dense are you? “Booty” there meant exactly what it meant. The pirate term. For fuck’s sake.

Oh god, you and your “mental gymnastics”. Can you explain, like, in detail, how’s what nmiller arguing, is an example of such? How’s his explanation not justified?

God you’re a fucking moron.

I wouldn’t engage.

Weak-ass trolling, already done.

How toothless are you? Got one tooth at least?

Did widdle baby just learn about capitalism? If so, you’re in for a lifetime of disappoint. I hope you are, you toothless troll.

There’s barely anyone left anyway.

I just don’t think Groening can muster much enthusiasm about anything anymore. Futurama premiered when Simpsons were still good.

Those Pearl Jam bootleggers really know their stuff. That first video is of amazing quality, all things considered.

Wow, so even this stuff is all fake. It’s no “fake news”, but it’s surely fucking manipulative of them. I can understand the frustration of someone who feels like the entirety of their lives is a scam upon scam upon scam, like nothing’s real.

Two great animated bottle episodes in close proximity, this and Voltron’s where they are stuck in space. Really great stuff.

This reference is a very nice touch.

And once again no one cares to do some background check before hiring a serial abuser. Or rather they just didn’t care at all.

So, what’s the state of animation? With Pixar churning out incredibly well-made stuff like The Incredibles 2 - both a work of visual art and of great storytelling, I think it’s doing fine.

There’s always one guy like you.

Has it turned into tears yet?

The point of the whole feminism thing is equality, and equality means that not all women are “good”. If you’re a shitty writer, showrunner, whatever, you get called out for that, no matter your gender. Especially if your work actively harms the causes you claim to support.

I read the reviews. And the article.