
The sequels will be titled:

How’s that a bad thing?

Thanks, this is brilliant.

Yeah, Redmayne got away with it for some reason, which pisses me off. I was sort of giving him a pass for it because at the time I was for some reason pretty certain he was gay, although it wouldn’t really make it better.

The success of Invasion Of Privacy gave her 13 songs on the list

Stop making “based on true stories” movies about criminals. They’re not as interesting as the final product. People talk about glamorization of crime, and yet here we are, two more movies lined up.

Yeah... that was weird. But then, it’s not [just?] him who should suffer. Lorne should’ve known better as well, and a whole bunch of writers did too.

Who was rooting for him?

Scrubs did it first. And perfectly.

But why?

This was a joke... right?

I hope clogged arteries won’t kill him before that.

He was a godsend before his only way of acting became mugging.

Who’s laughing? Considering it’s a story about a prank call, the tone of the article is particularly somber.

I applaud you.

What A Perfect Circlejerk of puns.

I, for one, just don’t bother. I’m fine with not totally understanding what’s going on Westworld, because I know that at some point I’ll catch a quick glimpse of someone’s explanation of it somewhere. I’m fine taking it in as a visually exciting romp, as a moody sci-fi, as a culture clash between futurism and retro.

Just make regular newswires, please.

Cause video game adaptations always work...

Charlie Chaplin says hi.