So, is Sean the only person in the US who knows/remembers The Darkness?
So, is Sean the only person in the US who knows/remembers The Darkness?
Just finished it. Kinda, sorta understood it. It’s fine.
No, I’m aware. Their faces do sort of look similar though.
Ever since her appearance on Legit, Mindy Sterling has certainly carved out a nice little niche for herself playing a slightly weirder take on “lead character’s mom” type. She and Rhea Pearlman should star in something together, maybe play sisters.
Yeah, whoever’s doing the retooling better stop shitting on everything like we’re supposed to adore all those mean digs at the former version of the show when all they’re bringing is.. The Office.
Way too much work went into this video. I doubt it’ll be gone forever.
Damn it, she’s my new favorite person, especially after she told DJ Khaled that he’s missing out by not going down on women. She’s not wrong. And he’s a schmuck.
I think both sides of his output have its merit. His direct parodies got craftier, I think, in the last twelve years, with songs like “White & Nerdy”, “Trapped in the Drive-Thru”, “Party in the CIA”, “Foil” and “Word Crimes” all being excellent and far more interesting that just referencing the originals, even if he…
He’s a chameleon of a performer for one thing. The reason his parodies work is because he doesn’t just put new lyrics into famous songs or ape the musical style of a performer, he actually does his damnedest to parody their specific vocal mannerisms, which is a pretty big feat considering the amount of performers he…
I think Haley Joel Osment could believably play Kit Harrington.
They’re made for walkin’, wouldn’t you say?
Because family. Family is everything in American pop culture. It’s the concept perpetually shoved down our throats in copious amounts of entertainment. No matter how terrible the people who happened to give you birth (or are your cousins thrice removed), you gotta love them, forgive them and seek their participation…
Hello everyone. Welcome to the umpteenth edition of White Person’s Corner.
How’s that good for winning you clicks, guys, if it’s only one article instead of seven (including the Joe Jackson story)?
Sparks fucking rule.
I mean, people should realize that at some point men will rape women in front of the reality show cameras.
Wow, you have such a calm and welcoming presence. People must really love being around you.
I blame Parks & Rec for Trump. They jinxed the future.