
So I guess I’m not only a Russian bot, I’m also Google.

Whenever Americans remember that there is this thing called Eurovision, they always seem to find it incredibly amusing. Which it is, to be fair, and it’s ridiculous in very specific campy “European” ways.

Just wanted to say I love your screen name.

So, apparently XXXTentacion was murdered. Was surprised there’s no newswire.

Yes, this reads like an F review.


I mean, most of this story could’ve happened on The Office, except for the cat-related stuff.

What the fuck. This is ridiculous. The guy didn’t invest any money and thinks he deserves something?

Why? Is something wrong?

Now playing

‘03 Bonnie & Clyde was fifteen years ago...

You do realize everyone in Russia will be able to read it once the movie comes out here? And all of us will groan.

Looks like entertainment industry’s remove-alleged-abuser reflex is getting faster. This took a day.

Yeah, this one mostly worked. I agree with Kevin about the show going to metagags way too much. Yeah, we get it, it’s a post-modern show that is having fun deconstructing its mostly formulaic predecessor. But, still, not being a direct sequel, they can’t really operate on this level yet. First show us the adventures,

It puts us in mind of the old parable of the frog and scorpion

Go die in a ditch.


Can we now save The Last Man on Earth for one more season please? I hate shows ending with cliffhangers.

The hole in the vinyl is the perfect size.

Why not? Harmon likes his spirits...

I grew to like his show, as he grew more into his role, and I feel bad for his talented team of field correspondents. I wish all of them well.