
Question: did they downplay your looks specifically, or just not talk about looks in general? Sorry to ask a personal question, just trying to feel my way with my own kid, and this struck a chord—I’ve been going down the deemphasize-looks route. And I’m so glad to hear things are getting better for you!

AH OK THIS IS NEW hhahahahahah omg

this is great, I’m so happy/.

Sooo.... what is Take off your pants and jacket all about?

Baskin Robbins’ logo escaped me for the longest time. Then it was “Oh, BR 31”

Hahha, I kinda got that earlier, but there are so many others I can’t think of that blew my mind.

When I read Jia’s mention above, my eyes rolled over it three times. What am I missing? Then I read your mind was blown and had to google it. I feel SO dumb.

It’s like the thing with Kay Jewelers - “Every kiss begins with Kay”.

Did you ever notice the Tostitos logo is two people sharing a bowl of dip?


the best blink cover, if I do say so myself. I didn’t ‘get’ for a bit either.

Yeah, I never remember my mom or dad commenting on my looks at all. No compliments, no nothing. I had real self-esteem problems as a kid. Even today (I’m 32) when my husband compliments my looks I don’t fully believe him, and I definitely can’t take a compliment when one of my friends gives them. I think maybe if I

I think the reason the Philip Larkin poem This Be The Verse is so enduring and well known is that it’s true. They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do.

Yeh, you push and you push and you try to be better in hopes of that elusive pride. And it doesnt come often or ever, so you keep trying Until you run yourself into the ground. My epitaph will read “do you love me now?” hahahah cause I’ll still be reachin for that shit from the grace. Parents should be supportive. And tell their kids that they are good people and beautiful and can do whatever they want IF they put their minds to it. Because you can be beautiful without being classically pretty...some of the most beautiful people I know, if I were to cross them on the street I

+1 family is supposed to be your safe space to go until you are old enough and can deal with the world on your own. They are supposed to build you up so that you can be happy confident and carefree despite what the outside world may think or how the outside world may treat you. If she thinks life is bad for ugly kids

I just wrote a long post about how my mother did the exact opposite. I have come in to my own now and think I am quite attractive but it took years of therapy to see myself that way. Hug your mother.

Trust me, the world will tell her she’s not thin enough - regardless of what she actually weighs - sooner than later. There’s no need for someone she loves to tell her what other girls, guys, magazines, and movies are already shoving down her throat on a daily basis.

I totally disagree with Julia Baird. Your parents are supposed to be a soft place to land. “Telling it like it is” will hurt that child and harm their self esteem. So what if the child is unattractive, they’ll figure it out in the long run but they will come armed with parents who instilled in them solid confidence

my mom likes to tell me how beautiful I am, and then follow it up with 'because you look just like me'

I think most people eventually learn that their parents, particularly their mothers, are not the most objective source for such information. My mother thinks I’m so beautiful that she’s convinced I could have modeled (I’m 5’3”) or been a movie star. “You look like Natalie Portman, but prettier!” (Ed. note: No I