You are a treasure. I have watched this video at least 35 times today.
You are a treasure. I have watched this video at least 35 times today.
someone please tell me who the chainsaw guy is it’s for...research.
I was so impressed with him on Pod! He’s one of the first guests to really lay out what needs to be done in a very clear, decisive way. One of my biggest frustrations is listening to all the hand wringing and tail chasing from Dems, without a plan. It was refreshing to hear someone answer the question with an…
Sure, why not.
Thank god you’re here to tell us that.
Old TV’s used to have that smell, which I assume is what she is talking about? Fellow Olds will remember when you turned it on and got the “bwonnggg” sound and the static? It had sort of a metal smell.
I plan on seeing Arrival by myself and then doing any activities that involve staring blankly into space and not talking.
Thank you, Anna.
I can’t stop sobbing.
I just remembered this one too.
1- I was 23 and late to the co-op board interview for my first NYC apartment. I was running down the street and in a sweat induced panic when I came upon a shrieking homeless man and he was PISSED (no pun intended originally, but here we are). He was waving around a bottle filled with bright yellow liquid. As I tried…
Thank you, I’m commenting to say that but also to try and help bump you up to the top.
This is exactly how I feel about it.
plz cover baby corn next week thank you