
“semi-sentient rotting utility pole”

Sometimes I let him out in courtyard of my building, but not after dark. After dark he gets brave and I’m afraid someone’s going to take him home or he’s going to get hit by a car.

Ochre pyrosome comprised of writhing iniquity.

Presidential candidate and inflamed rectal tissue Donald Trump.

Because sometimes you really want Indian but there are a dozen Indian restaurants on GrubHub and the only one you’ve ever been to before either isn’t on there or has a $20 delivery minimum and so it ends up being a “Well, let’s give this a shot” situation.

Things Donald Trump surprisingly doesn’t find disgusting:

Her hair is massive....YOOOGE!

Official That Guy™ Comment.

Boy, you’ve really chosen a great hill to die on.

I really think this will be the election cycle where my brain will actually explode.

Yes. That’s exactly what just happened here.

So cranky. So awkward. Crankward.


Same idea. It’s tasteless and you store it in the basement.

Be incredibly picky with who you swipe right to, and it’s generally okay. I have a lot of things that make me immediately swipe left for both pictures and bios. And if they get weird/crude when messaging, instant unmatch.

I think you mean it’s one of those fell-off-the-back-of-a-truck sequels... ;-)

My tribe has been doing a lot to preserve our Menominee language. We teach it at my school which is a Native language and culture school. We even have a certification program that a number of people have gone through. There is a program to teach ten people to become teachers so they can create classrooms where the

That movie forever changed how I say bundt.

RBG is right (as usual). The problem is Roe. By framing abortion as a 1st Amendment privacy right rather than a 14th Amendment equal protection or due process issue, the stage is set for this sort of whittling-away. If the Court in Roe had ruled on the discrimination issue inherent in abortion access, we’d have a much