yesyesyesyes tell me your handle or find me @phyllisnefkinja
yesyesyesyes tell me your handle or find me @phyllisnefkinja
come to twitter. make an account. (if you don’t have already) search #twinja. tell me your handle and let us introduce you to THE MAGIC!
i think you should come to twinja.
I have never seen someone as unwilling to leave the ‘90's as Avril Lavigne.
it’s femInist, not feMENist
you’re right we should be quiet and hope that everyone likes us more for it
and i, you! <3
spoken like a true virgin
maybe when the blood of life pours out of you literally every month and you’re still ignored, you’ll understand.
well, the penis mightier than the sword
i have pms, sorry
video games are really violent and mysogynistic
i hate all vocabulary, because it’s all penis based. like the term “semester”. why can’t it be “ovester”?
women have been ignored for centuries just for being called women, so i don’t see the difference, honestly.
i’m offended that i have to be called a man
can’t you see that it’s a problem that men have to penetrate everything in our society?
is this why you’ve never met an actual woman
so you think women are irrelevant?
why do you use ‘booby’ as an insult is it because you’ve never seen one
why can’t i exist as a female without a man