Phyllis Nefler

@ilikenoise: No no, I decided that MOE TO STAY is the crispest.

@hortense: From my side of things it's more, she will be anticipated!

@PilgrimSoul: Oh I'm not afraid. I mean, I even commented on Keith Gessen's blog.

We are the wooooorlllddd ....

@PilgrimSoul: Meanwhile, the "Gawker commenters are smug assholes" is always fresh.

@PilgrimSoul: Fear of reading through 675 comments, mostly.

@funnyface: Our secret is that we're actually pretty nice so long as you like unfunny pun jokes. I mean, I'm a grizzled Gawker vet and I find THIS place way more scary!

@hortense: Good stuff. If there were no Replacements, there would be no Ryan Adams and then the terrorists would have won.

@PilgrimSoul: Heh. I actually just came in here to do the same thing. THE SKY IS FALLING!

@hortense: I saw Alec Baldwin in East Hampton last weekend and he was wearing white mid-calf tube socks and strange leather strappyish sandals.

This is hysterical. Nicely done!

@chezme: Amen, sistah. To me, it betrays a lack of respect for the community, but what do I know? I'm just a mean ole Gawker commenter who doesn't like being shushed. I can't imagine you ladies over here do, either.

They've done some very interesting twin studies that I always interpreted as showing that homosexuality has a clear genetic component but also some degree of developmental linkage as well.

What about Tony Chestnut? Does he still know I love you?