Phyllis Nefler

@McMike: To go to CAMELBACK, of all places?! Poor guy.


@jdawgg297: Ha! You should see when I get drunk and attempt double dactyls. Anyway, was just kidding - I mean, I don't read the posts either!

Wow, this was a really great post. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed.

So much love ... so much ... information.

Um, so that was awkward.

I dunno, if I were a Saints fan I'd probably breathe a little easier with a loss on my record and less of the sideshow going on. But I'm also someone who hates having a first round playoff bye, so your mileage may vary.

Man, Canada can't get a break. For YEARS they've endured having to pay the higher price on the back of paperback books and now we won't let them enjoy their plum times in peace?

This is brilliant. End of discussion. Moot point.

Wait, why are we all so quick to assume that Coughlin isn't letting his freak flag fly?

Is this going to impact his STEPHEN A. SMITH, JOURNALIST chyron? #stephenasmith

I know CSTB is persona non grata around these parts or whatever, but I got a giggle-and-nod out of this one:

@Clayton Vernon: To be fair, the print version does have a (completely confusing) timeline graphic of the Mets scandal. #stevephillips

Man, this only makes me miss the RickRielly Twitter account that much more. It was hotter than Al Davis's breath. #rickreilly