
Which seems possible in a universe this large, that had been run by the Empire for so long. But you’d think characters who seem to be seasoned and familiar with the ways of the galaxy would have some clue about an energy force that surrounds everything. More likely they’ve heard of it, just never seen it, and are

Comcast’s footprint is about half of the US. Comcast offers gigabit service (DOCSIS, over coax) on 100% of that footprint.

Lasers are, in the simplest sense, highly focused, powerful beams of light.

I understand your point of view.

How is the webcam feed in any way the problem?

How is taking down a webcam in any way a solution to the NHS broadcasting patient information in the clear?

This course of action is faster at doing what, exactly?

TechCrunch contacted the radio enthusiast’s internet provider to inform them of the situation. The provider later told TechCrunch that it had contacted the hobbyist who said they were “unaware of the nature of the information being shown,” and would end the webcam feed.

Hell, didn’t a ML algorithm discover the cure to polio by parsing medical research years before we found the cure ourselves?

Hit the button a little too fast. That one bullet should be:

Are you a time traveler? What year are you posting from?

I see why you went into hospitality.

Let’s say I run a little hotel with 10 rooms. I charge $100 a night, in all cases.

While this is true, it’s also very misleading.

Boy. My instinct is to object to lumping such a large group together. But I can’t find the lie.

Thank you for your reply. I understand and respect your opinion.

A principal who fights a cop is going to lose every time.

It’s actually really hard to tell the distance and direction to and RF signal.

Die Hard is the best Halloween movie.

Die Hard is the best Halloween movie.

Smart question, dumb premise in the article. Nothing about programming an FPGA to emulate a system is magically of higher fidelity than emulating that system in software on an ASIC.