
Substantial portions of the roof are original.

YES! Anyone who thinks this is a remotely interesting topic should give it a watch. It feels like the last ten episodes have been 50% wiring.

This story has taken a turn for the somewhat less terrible. The judge has vacated the ruling. So Mr. Somerville will not have to serve probation or have a record.

Mine is bigger!

Such an excellent post!

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Was this, in fact, called in by a Mr. Peter Ian Staker?

When you travel internationally, do you mimic the dress of the locals so as to make them comfortable?

Can you do me a favor and tell your dad something for me?

If I understand your counterargument correctly; that Mike Pence is a mobile emergency, then I guess I have to admit that I can’t find the lie.

Congratulations on being very generous to the OP. My assumption is that dehumanizing is its point.

I served in the US Army from ‘93 - ‘97. I was stationed in Korea ‘95 - ‘96.

Brad, buy whatever you want. A newer Corolla would be perfect.

No one is offended in your examples. So you’re right. No idea what your point is.

You are putting a lot of words in my mouth, and I see no point in arguing with you about any of that.

I imagine that it seems that way if you utterly lack empathy.

The “line” is certainly subjective.

If you can learn, and train yourself to recognize, the difference between “I’m offended because I’m a self-important, moralizing person.” and “I’m offended because you’re minimizing actual harm that has happened to me because we live in an unjust system.” you will have made the first step toward being a better human

Self-fulfilling chicken prophecy?! Randall Flagg has to be involved!

He’s the President of the United States. It is literally his duty to know about Djibouti.