
We've found about 0.00001% of the planets in this galaxy. Even if 1 in 10000 supports life, we haven't found enough to rule anything out yet.

It's the fastest thing possible, so not slow. But definitely weak, all of our own signals are basically just background noise by the time you get to even the closest stars, and as our technology improves, we're using weaker and more efficient signals. It could simply be that there is a very narrow window in which a

No, it's actually really easy and doesn't depend on weight. As long as that final hill is as high as the starting point, no one can ever get past it.

For the dick grabbing dive. Unsportsmanlike conduct, taunting. 15 yard penalty.

I dunno about a fine, but there should have been a flag at least.

So, no flag for that finish? That's gotta be considered "taunting", no?

Jumping to a conclusion like that from a single data point is not good science.

Changing more than 1 lane at a time in Virginia can warrant you a pretty hefty ticket.

Sure, but you have to admit that the top photo is less impressive if you know that the details that make it not look like a cartoon were photoshopped out.

This shows that the other images are photoshopped though, lots of detail that was erased from the final product, like the 'stash.

Also if you're wondering about the numbers on each card, EW asked Abrams and he said YES, they do mean something. What? We have no idea. Any takers?

So basically, it's a copy of ours?

You should get a better DVR. Tivo's listing for this shows the extra two minutes.

Just a time travel reboot. All it requires is someone traveling back to before the events of first movie.

Roy G. Bigelow, of course

I'm getting dizzy just looking at it.

If they could work in a way for the focus group to be eaten by dinosaurs, that would be great.

I won't post spoilers, but I will suggest that the "Morning Spoilers" post is something you should avoid if you don't want spoilers.

And also that people who weren't stormtroopers occasionally put on the armor as well.

Well, Luke wore the armor, was he a Jango clone?