The skidded along a wall, they didn't drive into it at a right angle.
The skidded along a wall, they didn't drive into it at a right angle.
and the damage/wear on the cars they generated wouldn't really end up as their individual responsibilities.
This article is not about bad investment being better than no investment, it's about it being better than no savings.
It's exactly like he poured his life into it. 170 days played time in the time since that expansion came out works out to over 6 hours every single day. Assuming he has an actual job, he hasn't done much of anything else in that time.
You don't have to assume he spent one hour a day on it, they said the character had 170 days played time. That's over 6 hours a day, every single day since that WoW expansion came out almost 2 years ago. Assuming he had an actual job, he probably did almost nothing besides work and farm herb in wow.
My cynical side is saying that the NSA is behind all of these apps that require your phone to always be listening.
It was in an episode of scrubs one also.
This picture is wrong, 1080p should be 1/2 the width and height of 4k.
Counterpoint: I feel more sense of accomplishment if my first task of the day is not pointless.
Of course money won't make you happy. But it sure as hell will get rid of a lot of sources of unhappiness.
Are bullets less lethal when the shooter doesn't have a driver's license?
You know what else is chemicals? Every damn thing you eat. Saying something is chemicals just makes you sound like you have no idea what you're saying.
Cold water and fridge would work, but you'd still need to check that the water around the bag remains cold or you'll have to change it out periodically
The fridge/water bath combo is the best compromise if you're not in a huge hurry. And not just cold water, put ice in there too. The water will still be above freezing, and will conduct heat quickly, but is still cold enough (and will stay that way in the fridge) that the food stays completely safe.
ATM? Don't we call machines that dispense food "vending machines"?
The only reason I'd get behind these creationists is to push them off a cliff.
The laughing becomes irrelevant as soon as you see the picture of the damage.
I hope the person who recorded this kept the video of all of the failed attempts before this one, and someday is fed up with beeb enough to release them.
Yeah that's just dumb. They should be chocolate chip cookie ice cream cones.
Nope, just tons of makeup and hair dye.