
That's what held up the dvd release for soooo long. The original show was loaded with awesome music, because MTV had the rights to play all those songs whenever they wanted. But MTV didn't have the rights to put them on dvd or anything else. There was much editing done for the dvd release.

You just made me sad.

awwwwwww yeeeaaaaahhhhhh

If you want to destigmatize being ginger, telling people they're related to carrot top is not the way to do it.

That quote made me think she doesn't need tattoos, she needs a shrink.

I wore one of my scuba masks once, worked great. :)

The last several mass murders, whether or not you consider them terrorist acts, were committed by lone white dudes. With no other info other than this one being committed with bombs instead of guns, you assume it's different? I suggest you look into the history of bombings within the US and who committed them, the

If you assume it just because they are brown, then yes, very wrong.

Anyone else read the headline and thing "No, definitely not"?

Haven't tried the app yet so maybe it already has this, but if not, you should consider adding a warm up timer to the start.

+1 on the "warm up first" advice.

And a reckless driving ticket.

The bowl can only fill to the top if it's clogged, so not flushing was a good call.

Indeed. Sit, or lift the seat. Anything else and you're a jerk.

Almost everything. Lost me at the wiping the inside of the bowl part.

I was sitting in a stall doin my business, when a guy in a nice suit (from what I saw through the crack in the door as he walked away) walked into the stall next to mine, didn't close the door, didn't lift the seat, and took a leak. I looked on my way out, and he had sprayed all over the seat.

I must have smoked too much last night, because I watched P&R and I don't remember the Coz being in it.

The poor grammar. Four out in 10?

The only legit concern I've heard is about steroids given to horses. No idea how big of an issue that actually is though.
