
I wouldn't have been sticking my finger in its face like that diver though. That could have ended painfully. Check out the beak on that thing when it approaches the camera around the 2 minute mark.

Wonder how many times Clara will die this season? Is she the new Kenny?

I could imagine it being a problem going right through the center of the galaxy. But even if you go all the way to the other side around the edge, that's still not even 1/4 of a million light years. There is nothing "millions of light years away" that is inside the Milky Way, even by a convoluted path. Even round

Considering that the Milky Way is only about 100000 light years wide, I don't have to assume, I KNOW that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Proofreading would have meant posting 30 seconds later, and we can't have that now can we?

While a normal condom can easily stretch over your head, that doesn't mean one size fits all. A major factor in condom failure is using the wrong size. Magnums aren't just for showing off.

It could use a jupiter or two to sweep up the mess.

Except that light is travelling at the fastest possible speed, while bullets are relatively slow. With a laser, if you can keep it in the crosshairs, which a computer can do easily, you can't miss.

It's certainly not impossible that we're first, but given the age and size of the universe, it's not very likely.

Also, gravity would propagate through the open wormhole to Earth.

I think there are more things wrong with this review than there are with the actual movie.

You might want to re-read what you replied to, because it seems you replied to something other than what he said.

No teeth?

No one proofreads anything on these sites.

Interesting, but nonsense for an object that size. The probe passed the asteroid at roughly 20 million times the asteroid's escape velocity (seriously). It had no chance of being "pulled in", it would only hit if it was already on a collision course.

Neat. I would have assumed it was assembled on site, not lifted up in one piece.

I'd say that's the one of the less accurate ones. There are people alive today older than 110, and lifespans are increasing. Unless we wipe out mankind somehow, there are probably kids today who will still be alive in 2122.

Most articles on this group of sites feel that way.

Because they can't take back a flag throw or argue that they were misheard.

Bothers the hell out of me, with all the quackery she promotes.