
Any other divers here see the banner pic and think "stop dragging your gear"?

NJ 1&9? Really?

Which part?

It wasn't in the first edition of Ender's Game, it was revised when Card found out what 'bugger' means in other parts of the world.

I believe it's been changed to formics in all current editions of all of the books. Apparently Card wasn't familiar with the meaning of the word bugger in the UK when he wrote Ender's Game.

It started before youtube existed, before most people even had internet connections. Probably around when the real world first aired.

The same amount of energy will be delivered to earth, except it will be mostly dumped in the atmosphere instead of the ground absorbing some of it. I'm not sure this is better.

And they'll still cost many times more per GB than optical disks.

Yeah, unless I'm missing something, the middle path would be the shortest.

Aiming towards the side images might make you miss, but you'd miss in the opposite direction that someone looking at a diagram of the situation might expect. For example if you aimed at the image to the right of where the galaxy "really" is, you'd miss it to the left, because your own path would be curved by the

No, if you went as straight as you possibly could towards where you saw it, you wouldn't miss (well, you might for other reasons). The path followed by light is as straight as possible, but it's through curved spacetime.

Anyone else hate it when people say "can't die" when they really mean "doesn't die of old age"?

"But if you followed any of the peripheral images, you'd be lost in space. Only by following the center image would you actually reach the object that's pictured."

They do have us beat in the Kit Kat department, that's for sure.

That one is basically just a mirror. What you see "through" it is actually the reflection of the wall to the left of it. It's a similar effect to seeing the sky reflected on hot asphalt.

The residents? I didn't know people lived in apple stores now. Are they getting a head start on the line for the iphone 6?

Anyone else read the headline and picture a boat launching bombs out behind itself and riding the waves caused by the explosions?

Things are only trapped once they are past the event horizon. The stuff that 'escapes' gets away before it falls in. That's usually light from the material that is superheated as it's spiralling in, or plasma channeled out along the axis of the powerful magnetic field.

I just said "Quark!"