
That's part of it, but also keep in mind that this kind of project can take a decade to design/build/execute. And when the designing begins, they can't use state of the art, they have to use well tested components. So by the time it's finally launched, they're using a 10 year old design with 15 year old components.

Yeah but my generation is right when they say it!

"is arguably as difficult as getting our collective asses to Mars"

Our current missions most definitely will not create sentience. The run on rigid, non-evolving computer code that does not change unless we upload a new version.

Poor grammar and/or spelling on a resume also shows lack of attention to detail that will most likely carry over into the rest of their code.

Wonder how many conspiracy nutjobs will believe these are real.

Funny, I find that ESL people tend to have better grammar than most of the native English speakers in my company.

I don't see any variant of the word "spell" in the article.

Those pictures are from a satellite around the moon.

Why would you assume that one would be the 'bully' and not the other?

I can recall things from it, but only things that are as terrible as the scenes in the other movies were awesome.

No he wasn't.

Yes, I meant in the scene, after the wires are erased.

Because if someone isn't in the past to 'welcome' the target and quickly dispose of them, they can alter history.

That dude in the middle must have strong arms. Six people hanging on to him, and he's holding on with one hand.

They started working on this movie 4 years ago. Romney was the presumptive 2012 nominee while McCain was still campaigning in 2008?

Anyone else read the headline and instantly think "I hope so too?"

I'd say it's a jab at the government that keeps messing with NASA's funding.

Thing is, diabetes doesn't need precise targeting, so a larger unit that does what you describe could be implanted almost anywhere in the body. There's no need for 'nano'. But with cancer, you could spread something like this through the bloodstream where it will be idle, then target the tumors with the 'activate'

I know this article isn't serious, but wow, some of these would be quite unpleasant. Radiation poisoning as euthanasia? Really?