
and, the more I watch the BOOM TRUCK MERGE VIDEO seems like old fashion courteous defensive driving may have eliminated any type of interaction.

I’ve said this once here, and I’ll say it again: Nothing. NOTHING...compares to seeing a Top Fuel launch. Nothing. There is no car that is equivalent. 0-320 in 3 and a half seconds.

Photo #1 shows owner’s perfect grasp of BMW parking procedure.

Now playing

The Thomas mods can’t get posted for the Xbone.

Bitch please, stop pretending you wouldn’t love M5 power in a Cayman.

Glad I didn’t grab “Gat out of Hell” for $6 in the sale.

“It’s looking like a solid month for Games With Gold and PlayStation Plus.”

I can’t see how losing relationships and spending a regimented and heavy amount of time on the exact same activity is rewarding. I’m sure it felt like a great accomplishment at the time, and perhaps it was, but I am unable to understand how it would be worth the investment and the loss.

Wait, so nowadays raiding is a joke, but before that raiding was a job and was retarded?

I think they’ve made it repeatedly clear that there are better hands in which this series could be placed.
Couldn’t they at least lease the dev rights out?

Imagine if someone like Naughty Dog got a turn at it.

The one Xbox One fix made me laugh.

I’m honestly amazed at just how far RE has fallen since 4.
I mean that series used to be a console seller(Remember when Code: Veronica was a Dreamcast exclusive?)
I just don’t get how they let this happen and happen repeatedly.
I’ve heard Capcom has been hemorrhaging money for years now but is it really so bad that they

Exactly. It can be guaranteed that 95% of those tickets were legitimate. Don’t want a parking ticket? Follow the future king rules you scumbags.

How many people are hit with inapplicable parking tickets so often that they need a bot to challenge them? 95% of parking tickets I’ve received are my own fault. Now I’m going to have own of those damn verify scripts to type in the next time I get a parking ticket..

I let my car roll 15 feet down my driveway last week because I forgot the ebrake. No one was killed, but I am thinking about suing toyota for letting me scare the bejesus out of myself.

This would have never happened with a proper manual transmission.

Nintendo should have out bid them, they would have had more games that doesn’t involve the same nintendo characters.

Fucks sake he has the most annoying voice. How the hell can people sit there and listen to this guy for hours? I can’t even take what he’s saying here seriously.

You’re a clear example as to why I can’t stand bleeding heart criminal apologists. She fucking killed someone over a goddamn PS4. Let that sink in before labeling it as a simple “mistake.”

The whole Gawker conglomerate is just so fucking lazy. Copy/paste/post is the extent of their work. Then you got idiots like Stephen Tortilla DEFENDING Gawker’s stupidity under the guise of “journalism”.