This is fuckin mental. It reads like a parody article from the onion or something.
This is fuckin mental. It reads like a parody article from the onion or something.
Is this the blog version of live radio ads the morning person does on talk radio or something?
Is this the blog version of live radio ads the morning person does on talk radio or something?
Too bad the person snapping pics didn't switch his camera over to video mode SO WE COULD HEAR WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE AKOSISHD.C CJFIFJFH UOWOSBDJR
Tell ya what champ, why don’t you go for a ride along on a trip to someone’s house that is suicidal and has been seen with guns. You can go in first with your “in between balloons and bubbles and Armored SWAT Team in full riot gear”.
Mazda makes you pay for firmware updates? What is this bullshit?
I can’t recall ever seeing the front brake calipers being located at the TOP of the rotor on any other vehicle, though I’m sure there are other examples.
You watch your whore mouth
Its because they are trying to not alienate their readers who don't have a PS4 or something. It's ridiculous. Facts are facts, PS4 demolished the competition this year just like it had done every year since release.
Gve it up Elon, we know it's you.
O course it does. But hey, it's Kotaku.
I get it you guys, you just shill some random product to get some sort of a pittance of a kickback. Fine. Can’t you at least do some proper research on anything you shill? If you are paying $500 for a TV you be certain there will not be a 10bit panel in it which is required for HDR. No. This tv does not do HDR.
I get it you guys, you just shill some random product to get some sort of a pittance of a kickback. Fine. Can’t you…
Yeaaahhh! This is what we should be beta testing on public roads!
Nah, he's more of an idiot for doing this all on a public street.
If you are running a massive multibillion dollar company you are a douche. You don’t get to that position without doing douche things. You can’t successfully run a company like that without partaking in douchey behaviour.
Meh. People make too big a deal out of the shark cards. They released YEARS of free dlc. The game is completely playable and there is shit loads of entertainment to be had. I’ve played it for years and haven’t spent a penny. But hey, gotta find SOMETHING to whine about eh?
Wats the worst that could happen broski?
Its called "entitlement".
I you can’t see shit then maybe you shouldn’t be mashing the throttle and doing a u turn blindly across the road.
Dude wtf no Manticores?