
They felt safe in doing so because Obama is half white duh.

Dude, did someone actually pay you for all.....this?

So you are going to pre judge a vehicle because there happens to be a demographic of people who drive them? Wtf is wrong with this place.

Sorry, I don’t use any of the CEC functions! I know I know I’m living in the Stone Age here.

Sorry, I don’t use any of the CEC functions! I know I know I’m living in the Stone Age here.

I have the 65" version of this and for the money it can't be beat.

I have the 65" version of this and for the money it can't be beat.

H could've just shot himself in the face and ended it without the needless killing of a woman and her child. Fuck this dude and his mental illness.

Dude. Look where you are. There is no way people will think rationally about this.

Man, I would be bummed right out to discover my car was part of the 20% built in a friggin tent.

Dodge is providing a car, with a SIX SPEED MANUAL, that has 717hp for under $60,000 and this guy is complaining folks. Unbelievable.

Have you ever been in a city before? Have you ever heard the noise of a city?

He makes over a half million dollars a month. A month. From playing videogames. Yeah I feel no sympathy.

Dont cut yourself on that edge mate.

Jimny? Really?

Is even .ore sad because back when the first one came out there was at least a bunch of other first party titles to soften the blow.

He Patrick George’d the shit outta that Corvette.

Ugh just imagine how hot and muggy it would be inside there.

6 seconds. The car had six seconds to react. Do you know how far the vehicle would’ve travelled in six seconds? There was more than enough time for a human to react.

Pfff hahahaha you don’t actually believe that do you? Are you suggesting technology has a 0% fail rate?

Pfff hahahaha you don’t actually believe that do you? Are you suggesting technology has a 0% fail rate?