Artificial Stupidity

Aren’t congestion fees primarily impacting low income and minority residents?

The article isn’t very clear, but if this was legitimate influenza and not the sniffles most people commonly call “the flu,” they might have given him antivirals. Which they then charged him $47K for. I kind of feel like that might be the bill from a US hospital if you end up being taken to the emergency room for

The United States’ unwillingness to aggressively enforce anti-trust laws is, in my opinion, the absolute worst economic mistake this politicians from both sides have made, possibly in the history of the country.

wait, wait. Hear me out.
Let’s say we let them rush the planes with the help of Musk. What’s the worst that can happen? Since we know what is Boeing quality control these days....


Collatoral personnel damange is a problem, but the thought of Trump and Musk flying together on a hastily assembled aircraft.... I mean, I see some upside potential. 

Shut the fuck up Donny!

Good advice, I will not waste time here, you are a boot licker.

So “actual free speech” is platforming Nazis and suspending journalists and anyone who says “cis”?

I’m not going to use my time to tell you you’re wrong.  I’m going to use my time to tell you that you’re a piece of nazi sucking shit. 

My neighbor just told me his dog grabbed his cigarettes and ran outside. I told him if the dog is lighting up, it’s time to leave. The animals are getting ready to take over.

I don’t drink at home by myself anymore. I can’t handle the dog looking disappointed in me. 

You’re not drinking alone if the cat is on your lap.

To be fair, a lot of government all over the world has spent a whole lot of money chasing this dream. The biggest problem is that it sometimes works. You just can’t duplicate it when you want to.

$9K. For lights. 

LMAO! Did that with my ‘68 MG Midget - my wrenching friend thought of it and aimed the nozzles; we tested it on a poor older woman sitting on a bus bench in Miami, FL. We were stopped at a light, the car idling next to her; beautiful sunny day, she could not figure out where the “rain” was coming from - but she

My ‘73 Duster had sprayer nozzles that one could adjust up or down. But the cool thing was that the wiper fluid spray was operated by a manual foot-pump that was down on the floor near the high-beam switch. The pressure/velocity of the spray depended on just how hard one pushed on the little manual rubber pump.

Same petulant child energy.  Do better.

Badassador?  I just want to be a plain assador!

“Ladies and gentleman of the jury, the bite was clearly done... with teeth. And you can clearly see the defendant... has teeth. I rest my case

“You know, one day honest citizens are going to stand up to you crooked cops!”