Unzips gravity? WTF does this mean?
Unzips gravity? WTF does this mean?
Regressive is forcing everyone into massive traffic jams, losing hundreds of hours of time.
It makes as much sense as Trump using YMCA as his poopy diaper anthem. These fools are all over the place.
Still, I’d rather meet a random person on the street with my birthday than poop uncontrollably with them!
It is. I hate matr gatez truly but this is an attempt at making someone seem like they meant something they didn't. Personally I hate this type of shit because it discredits us just like when they do it it discredits them. Everyone on both sides is full of shit these days. It's exhausting.
This. The actual rate is really low.
Knowing my luck, I’d get norovirus TWICE before every winning the lottery.
That was my first thought.
Literally the words forming in my head as I scrolled to the comments.
I thought “Chad” had something to do with Florida presidential elections. That’s how old I am.
Prove it, arrest elmo for his near endless fraud.
First Gear: If you keep having to remind people you’re the one holding the reins... You are losing your grip.
That’s a lot of weed, but even Cop Math isn’t going to make that a ton, 3-4 keys tops.
You are clearly an individual of discernment and taste.
I think it would age a lot better if it didn’t start at $60,000. I don’t want special editions of it, I want accessible editions.
Yeah... to save money they put this rail in the corridor of US-1 (a significant highway) which has many connecting roads per mile and barely room for a shoulder before the rail. At many of these crossings, when you turn right off of US-1 you have barely 2 or 3 car-lengths before you are in the train path. This both…
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a weird automobile. And you may ask yourself "why won't this damn thing start?"
35 years in Manhattan. I loved walking everywhere, even hours distant. But I retired to a walkable small city in the South where both walking and driving is easy, and I’ll never ride a subway or take a bus again.