Artificial Stupidity

I had cousins that used to live in Alaska, they’d come down to Utah in the winter and wear shorts and t-shirts while we’re all bundled up. They laughed that we didn’t know cold. I’d do the same thing when visiting friends in Arizona in the winter, they’ve got all coats on because it’s only 65 degrees. Acclimatization

So cute!  It looks like I could pull it backward, let it go, and it would fly down the street.

Yep.  15 years ago I was in Oregon for the first time in my life, and it was supposed to be 80 degrees.  The morning news suggested people take their bedsheets off the bed and put them in the freezer so they could stay cool through the heatwave.  Bitch, what?  Just few years earlier I’d survived 30 days straight of

They can still rig the Oscars, but ignore the Guttenberg.  I’m glad they’re just the No Homers Club now.

Who in the hell puts a fur coat on a turd?

They can’t find the vape pens mixed in with my GFs makeup, but they can certainly find the large bottle of scented lotion from Bath and Body Works.  The HORROR!

He demanded the cameo to use the hotel for the scene.

Batteries and MAGA crap will definitely be exempt from tariffs on China.

I wish more media outlets were like ProPublica.  They’re doing Dog’s work.

A link to a video titled “It’s Time The Nissan Altima Got Some Respect”?

The whole ‘Is Peanut Butter a Liquid’ debate is hilarious. Look at the Pitch Drop Experiment at the University of Queensland. It started in 1930, and only 9 drops have fallen since then.  If it’s solid, why does it drop at all?

KBB says it should be around $7k, and it’s possible to find a couple of other examples at that price.  Seller thinks they know what they have, and can keep it at that price. ND.

I’ve read stories that Drumpf is grumbling about Leon in private, but who knows if they’re true.


LEAVE LEON ALONE!  Leave him alone!!@#!@$!#$

Okay, so electric and induction just have cooking oil fumes, while gas has gas fumes and cooking oil fumes.  And you think gas is still the winner when it comes to safety?  I’m glad you no longer engineer anything other than stupid comments online.

Is it spying on me more than my phone is?

How much crack did you smoke before making that comment?

I’m still on a gas range, haven’t upgraded to induction yet, but I’m seriously looking forward to it. Any gas needs I miss can be handled by the outdoor grill.

Did they park too long near the Vdara Hotel pool area?