Artificial Stupidity

It’s like crowdfunding for obscenely wealthy people.  Not gonna shed a single tear over this.

Yep, you’re right.  My bad.

Voyager 1 is traveling so fast it’s going 10.5 miles per second, so after a couple seconds of communication it’s 23 miles further.

Yes!  More 2 door, convertible, 4 wheelers, plz.

The worlds greatest magician!  We’re watching him turn $54m into $11m!  MAGIC!

Nice scimitar lob!

I did vote for the candidates I believe to be best, that’s why I voted Nader in ‘00, ‘04, ‘08, and ‘12. I’m in a deep red state, so it didn’t do a thing in the overall scheme of things, except make me feel better about voting. If I had been in a battleground state I might have started voting D earlier. Even though I

And that’s why even Tesla is eating Ford’s lunch.  Tesla went 17 years without making a profit, Ford can barely go 2 without making a profit on one model of car.  Meanwhile Ford’s CEO has a hard on for his nearly slave labor made Chinese EV.

Ah, yeah, I can see that.  All the trolls that got banned under Kinja realized they could make a grand return.

Except that as the article states, and the Department of Energy confirms, there are no retail hydrogen filling stations outside of California. There are two within 15 miles of me, but they’re not open to the public. Used to be one close by, but it was demolished to make way for more unaffordable housing.

I hadn’t noticed such a slant on Gizmodo, but I haven’t figured out what to stop NoScript from stopping and I hate allowing all scripts to run, so I don’t read the comments there too often anymore.

I’ve got half a dozen magnificent canyons within a 30 minute drive of me, but the best way to see the foliage is to let other people make the drive and look at the photos later.  Traffic during peak leaf color change is awful, almost as bad as peak skiing season.

Google says that hydrogen combustion is less efficient because too much energy is lost as heat.

I grew up in a conservative Republican household, loved Reagan and HW Bush, hated Clinton, and hated Trump that whole time because he seemed like one of those elite NY liberals. has 29 new Lightnings with 100 miles of me, ranging from 56k - 86k.  (Not sure if that 56k includes the rebate.)

He’s not an idiot that should be ignored. He’s an idiot that should be called an idiot until everyone understands he’s an idiot and he loses his ability to influence our society.

1st: We keep raising the price, but fewer people want to buy it. Why?

Gizmodo was sold, eventually dropped Kinja, and now has a new way to comment.  History was lost, but, meh.

It’s not an assumption. Almost everything he says is absolutely fucking stupid. He’s rich because he inherited wealth from his dad’s slave labor emerald mine and made a few lucky investments and then bought his way into nearly every company he owns today.

Every single day he proves that wealth and intelligence are mutually exclusive.