Artificial Stupidity

You can try to blow them all you want, they still won’t return the favor.

Every Republican accusation is an admission.

An AWD wagon for $3k?  No wonder it’s already sold.  NP

I’ve had two different dashcams.  Rexing is garbage, Viofo has been fine.

Only cool kids pee their pants.

The 4K is absolutely worth it, just for the peace of mind knowing I can zoom into an image to see a license plate I may have missed in person.

I’ve got an A129, too!  Though the place that installed them left the rear camera pointing at the sky.  lol

Love my Viofo dashcam, thankfully I’ve never needed it to protect myself from this kind of scam.

He was talking about voting machines, but yep, he said it.

The irony of Musk summed up in one sentence he said at his rally in Philadelphia yesterday:

Business you, motherbusinesser!

Well, sure, if you ignore facts because they’re inconvenient to your opinion of course your opinion is going to be right.  It’s not like the Model Y exists or anything.

Trucks dominate the ICE market.  Of the top 10 selling cars in the nation, trucks hold 5 of the spots, cars have 3, and SUV’s have 2.

I’ll business you!  ;)

“We’ll take a look at fixing our mistakes, but not for at least 14 months.”

Yeah... no.  Can find a Miata with half the miles and twelve years newer for the same price.  That dude knows what he’s got though.  /eyeroll

They spend ten years developing a car with BYD before dropping it completely.  ‘Yet’ may still happen, but not anytime soon.

No, they’re not. Tesla keeps dropping their prices on their cheapest models, but almost every other manufacturer keeps raising their prices each year. The Lightning Pro costs $5k more than last year. The Lightning XLT costs $10k more than last year. The monstrosity known as Cybertruck had its base price increase from

Plenty of people are upset about Apple and Foxconn’s child labor practices.  It doesn’t get brought up much on this site because Apple and Foxconn don’t make cars.

So the depreciation stops as soon as someone buys it used?