Artificial Stupidity

Anytime I see ‘Recaro’ I think of some Alp horn blower, ‘RICOLO’.

Autotrader has them between $900 for a salvage that doesn’t run, up to $29k for one that runs with 28k miles. NP, since most of the horrid additions would be easy to remove.

I can’t find it either.

I’ve seen Wrangler and old school Beetle drivers do the same thing.

The world revolves around big trucks, that are used to haul things around the world, not soccer moms and hockey dads only taking a big truck to the grocery store and the only thing that ever sits in the bed of the truck is fallen leaves and garbage.

I’m so GenX I saw BTTF 2 and 3 in a drive in movie theater, and daily I drool over the idea of a reboot of the series.

Your parents raised you right.

“I could write an article about a Cybertruck owner driving nearly 100 mph through a neighborhood that nearly killed a motorcyclist, or I could write a dopey article about a harmless movie prop car. Better go with the movie prop story, just to be on the safe side.”

<rolls eyes>

John Oliver is a national treasure.

He’s confusing automobile autonomy with body autonomy.

You really think that people that have cell phone internet service are going to want to pay for an additional internet service, and equipment, after a disaster just upended their lives?

If they have internet service to sign up for the promotion that is only available online, why do they need 30 days of free internet from Musk?

Okay, pedo guy.

It’s sad that I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, because it’s so close to the things MAGAts already say.

We bought Musk’s truck to use to teach kids not to use drugs, the exact opposite of what Musk does!

The cloud seeding method used to increase snow is heating up the air and water to make large hurricanes! Derpdeeder!

No such picture exists.  He is an unhinged lunatic, so all pics of him make him look like an unhinged lunatic.

We rented an HR-V a couple weekends ago, it was a good vehicle, only real complaint was the mind boggling center console design, where they put the USB ports hidden underneath the shifter.

“I drive to work in an auto, so that makes me an auto worker.”