Accurately listing mistakes is not the same thing as wanting to defund the police. I’m not blind, but you definitely failed remedial English and reading comprehension.
Accurately listing mistakes is not the same thing as wanting to defund the police. I’m not blind, but you definitely failed remedial English and reading comprehension.
Not sure what you’re basing your assertion on that Japan’s courts are corrupt, but the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index has Japan at #14 least corrupt out of 142 countries. USA is #26. On Criminal Justice alone, Japan is #8, USA is #29.
Bullshit. That’s what you read into it because your bias overwhelms your rationality. There is nothing in the article that even comes close to being anti-police.
The fuck does this have to do with politics? A careless driving ticket is certainly warranted, because she was driving, carelessly, but this has fuck all to do with left or right. Pull your head out of Trump’s ass and start using it to think.
Invader Zim, Season 1, Episode 29, Walk For Your Lives.
You’d get far more stars for that comment if you didn’t use ‘enthalpy’ to describe the situation.
It was the best vomit, the kids will never know, until they have their own kids, and the economy was great, until now, because of the border people letting the immigants eating our cats and dogs.
Oh, for sure. I grew up in the deep suburbs, rural area that was transforming to suburban and now decades later has shed it’s entire rural past. I had one bus to take me downtown, in an hour. Now there’s two different short line rails within 20 minutes, and each takes 20 minutes to downtown. Things are improving,…
It’s funny and sad how whipped Kadyrov is by Putin. Used to fight for Chechnya’s independence, but now he’s just a bitch for Russia.
Had a similar situation a couple years ago with GFs old HHR, dealership was selling it for $2000, even though KBB said it was worth $6k at the time. It ran fine for a few months, but then started overheating to the point of gushing coolant when the radiator cap was taken off. Two mechanics said the engine would have…
I could have sworn I read an article here on Jalopnik about the Mcdonald’s coffee lawsuit being a big reason that cup holders became standard in cars, but I can’t find it now. Maybe it was a dream.
It looks like the kids threw up all the blue and yellow Peeps in that car.
I’m Gen X, though lived closer to a Millennial life because my dad was such a computer nerd I was playing Atari at the age of 2, and had computers and other video game consoles before anyone else in school. Being able to take a book report, printed from a computer, to school got me tons of questions in the mid 80s.
I took the bus and train for over a decade when I lived downtown. Now that I’m back in the suburbs and have a car I occasionally use public transit when necessary.
$800 or else ND.
Yep, and I bought tickets 3 months ago.
Geeze, I dodged a bullet here. Going to Seattle this weekend, but found it was a whole lot cheaper to fly to Portland and drive north. My info could have been in that data.
“recent investigations have shown that there is a direct link between negative comments from drivers and team members and increased hate directed towards officials on social media”
Fascinating history lesson, thank you.
Which would explain why the inspection and maintenance teams caught the problem?