So cars that only carheads would know about, and the people likely to be reading this page? Barely any of those cars are known about outside of people that follow cars enough to follow a car blog.
So cars that only carheads would know about, and the people likely to be reading this page? Barely any of those cars are known about outside of people that follow cars enough to follow a car blog.
It’s like my Pearl Yellow Plasma Crosstrek, some people think it’s yellow, others see green.
It’s been a fairly consistent stream of failed recession predictions since just a few months after Biden took office.
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
We must go forward, not backward. Upward, not downward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.
They do, and it’s absurdly overpriced, more than twice the price of Delta’s First Class on the random flights I just searched.
Yep, people are getting more dickish on planes because there’s hardly ever consequences. A few stories about those dicks being banned from flying and having to pay tens of thousands in fines will put a hard stop to the problem pretty fast.
Aw, it’s so cute, like the machine equivalent of a cupcake.
“Autopilot was already blamed in multiple suits and the argument failed. “
He made 100% sense, until this turd nugget of fact-free stupidity:
During a drive that is obviously not Mexico.
Right, because I wasn’t alluding to the absolute fucked up nature of less than 3 pounds of drugs being worth $100k, when someone else busted more than 400 pounds of drugs for 1 million.
They’re so enormous they don’t even fit on the regular Ford site.
No, Red takes the bus to the border, but it’s never shown how Andy gets to Mexico.
Last few dealers I was in they had all the keys in a safe that could only be opened with a special fob, one even had a biometric lock. It’s shocking that a Jaguar dealer would leave their keys so accessible.
She was drunk when she was driving on non-highway roads to get onto the highway that BlueCruise allows, so she’s still responsible.
Except that none of the source articles mention breaking the glass, and only two of the incidents were reported to have had damage to a door.
Yep, the DEA uses real values, local PDs inflate the values to make the bust seem larger, hence my original comment. Glad you’re finally up to speed.
And then I read the article and saw the comparison to car movies. Reading the article > Only reading the title.