Artificial Stupidity

Drumpf is always good for a laugh, when I’m not completely aghast at his evil intent.

Moron does moronic thing to a moronic truck designed by a moron.

I sadly believe that the general public will eventually treat cars like iphones where they “upgrade” every 1 to 3 years as the tech gets obsolete.”

If a brain is dumb enough to try this hack and the body gets hurt then it’s just natural selection at work.

Has a car manufacturer ever faked a video showing a car operating on cruise control could easily navigate icy conditions at high speed?

Agreed.  Rivian’s look like a futuristic truck, without all the anti semitism of the Cybertruck.

Spirit would simply ignore their existence.

He is a welfare queen, dumb and mean, only fifty three..

xAI is only a few months old, and it already needs a bailout?

Was that on the Dreamcast?  It was on the Saturn, but the Dreamcast didn’t launch for almost two years after SotN.

Amazon driver driving like an asshat?  Don’t even need to see a video to believe it.  Completely checks out.

God damn time conspiring with clocks to wake me up too early.

I like watching Everything Auto videos on Youtube, good, professional, honest tow company. Absolutely everyone he tows that is illegally parked claims someone told them they could park there.  I don’t believe for a second that Dunkin gave up their parking lot to let a bunch of MAGAts prevent customers from visiting

Bel Voco Dista!

A screendoor on a submarine makes more sense than Drumpf.

Comparing his intellect to a box of rocks would be insults to boxes and rocks.

Too much money, too much free time, too few brains.

You still riding around on a horse?

Mine is artificial. Yours is 100% natural and incurable.

Someone needs to flush both of these turds down the terlit.