
And what a game to lose yourself in, especially back then. One of those games I wish I could wipe my memory of and experience again for the first time. Fuck sleep, Patrick Stewart with his dying breath gave me a VERY important task and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let sleep get in the way. This world ain’t gonna

And a flaming car crash

It was more obvious in the thumbnail version of the header image that I clicked on to get here from the main page.

Granddad may be dead now, but we still have this picture of a videogame spaceship he bought when he was young. Someday, you too will pass this picture down to your child and they may even get to fly it when the beta finally kicks off!

I was so excited to hear some Persian in this episode. If I may translate a scootch of ghost Nandor’s dialogue. “This idiot has forgotten his own language. I’m so ashamed of you.”

If you asked Biden what he had for lunch he’d probably name 4 unrelated foods he’d eaten at some point in the last month. At some point all of his memories will just be one gestalt abomination.

I’ve played Caravan Stories, a character collecting F2P RPG in Japan, for about a year.
At first it was fun, but I feel like the veneer of gameplay always wears off on F2P games.

This looks exactly how Paranoia should and I can’t believe these guys pulled it off. 

[I am not trying to convince you here; just to offer an alternative perspective if your question was not rhetorical. Thanks for your patience if you took the time to read this.]

can’t wait to see headlines declaring that he is in trouble, but also doing incredibly well, and yet falling behind, though still in the running. the twitter hot takes are going to be just as stupid as ever.

1225 episodes! Now that’s a binge watch!

My mom used to watch “Dark Shadows” religiously and recap the episodes for us kids on the drive home from picking us up from Catholic school (she also recounted the entirety of “Rosemary’s Baby” to us, having ordered a copy from her book club right after the Catholic church condemned it). She was ecstatic when

Buy a Zune!

Buy a Zune!

Having done datacrons in SWToR, and The Cost of Magic in Secret World, all I can say about MMO platforming is /headdesk.  :(

I love almost all things Mecha. There are some that dont like Gundam because it can get kinda political and that turns them off...thats ok. Evangalion has some crazy concepts. its more than just Giant robots fighting giant monsters. If something doesnt grasp you in a show after the first few episodes...then it aint

Aaron Sorkin poisoned the minds of a certain class of young liberal. The kind who now think that “doing politics” means technocrats working in a K-Street-and-West-Wing bubble, where the people actually impacted by the decisions you make are uneducated rabble who deserve nothing but scorn and disdain, and where all it

Mansplaining: The Show

It’s called motherfucking capitalism in action baby.

The real answer is probably something like chess. For more modern games perhaps something canonical like Settlers of Catan. But for my nomination I have to throw out a personal favorite....

The real answer is probably something like chess. For more modern games perhaps something canonical like Settlers of

I absolutely love Cosmic Encounter. It’s been around for ages and is infinitely replayable with experienced and inexperienced board gamers alike. With that said, the game that I have the most fun with in any setting is Monikers. It’s simple to teach, easy to play and absolutely hilarious every single time we play it.

I absolutely love Cosmic Encounter. It’s been around for ages and is infinitely replayable with experienced and