
Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the

Megyn Kelly is the journalism equivalent of blackface.

IIRC Chicago ranks 24-25th in the US as far as murders are concerned anyway.

The Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.

One of these days we’ll finally get a chance to fly around in space exploring and fighting in personalized ships... and some time after that Star Citizen should come out.

Yeah, I went back to listen to the music, and it was pretty weak.

I’m just sad that with that one little word Samantha Bee lost all her Conservative support. And she was this close to winning them over, too!

I thought Elmer Bernstein did a great job with the original.

Everyone knows the Illuminati-run pizza chain in Chicago is Giordano’s.

Why do you think there is so much fan service right now?

What a lot of people are hoping for are progressive servers where each server is contained to an xpac, and once you hit the level cap you can choose to move to the next xpac if you like. I would love to return to BC and WOTLK.

Otogi, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gun Valkyrie, and Crimson Skies were excellent.

EQ2 had such a nice and satisfying housing system. The original ones were super customizable too, although that got dropped in future houses. Still Sony were good enough to go back and update the size of older apartments when the newer ones kept getting bigger and bigger.

I sure as hell won’t be buying it. I intend to keep using my Galaxy S4 until it falls apart in my hands.

Sleeping Beauty. Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia. By Charlez Chong.

What galls me the most is that nothing’s likely to come of this. That there are people in this country who are allowed to beat the shit out of people. In a civilized society those men would not have been on that plane.

Here’s a look at official Parappa The Rapper food, which will be at an upcoming Parappa The Rapper anniversary cafe in Tokyo that will run from April 20 to May 31.