
This is my pet. There are many like it, but this one is mine.My pet is my best friend. Without my pet, I would travel across Nirn alone. I follows me through every delve and dungeon. It finds mice everywhere and can dig them out of molton rock in the midst of battle. Noone ever messes with my pet. It is always there,

This isn’t backlash from Mass Effect 3, this is a massive downgrade from Dragon Quest Inquistion and the Mass Effect Trilogy. I don’t know what the hell happened but damn it I’m conflicted if I want it fixed or not

Now playing

...forgot one of the best ones: The credits to Dragon Age Inquisition’s last DLC, Trespasser:

Well I mean..with the release of DOAX 3VR, I would be lining up too.

I think it’s time we create a category higher than “first world problem” exclusively for japan.

A convict in a potato sack who’s a gifted acrobat escapes the dragon attack at Helgen by wall-running a crumbling tower and a mountainside, prances through a bandit ambush, assaults a hunter, steals his horse, bends the horse into a catapult that launches him precisely to Riften’s docks, punches the first guard in the

I always play as female in games. I just recently started playing WoW again a few months ago. I got a lot of free stuff.

Jason, I do have a genuine question because I’m right there with you. I’m a huge fan of the series and there is a huge aspect of the story that is very serious, especially in the extended universe. In the books especially the stories leave the humor behind and focus more more intensely on trying to tell a compelling

Here’s a World of Warcraft Horde wedding ceremony, in the heart of the enemy faction’s capital city, in Stormwind Cathedral.

Good call. Letting kids virtually experience sexual intimacy would only serve to distract them from the much more developmentally crucial virtual experiences like murdering people.