
“Howard the Duck” has more than enough going for it to keep it out of last place, including but not limited to Lea Thompson (yowza), and a terrific go-motion Dark Overlord sequence. I have always loved the Cajun Sushi diner scene, with Jeffrey Jones hamming away as the possessed Dr. Jenning while everyone else fails

Long Long Man stands up there with Gilgamesh, Beowulf and the Odyssey; a modern epic.

She’s not being nerfed, she’s being adjusted to better represent accessibility to modern healthcare

Nonsense, you can achieve anything in an arbitrary amount of time with fifty people, as long as forty-five of them are managers and five of them are devs, *if* you push the devs hard enough.

Well, y’know... except actual sex.

I’d like to ask an honorable mention for Michael Chiklis as the ever-lovin’ blue-eyed Thing. Just a spot-on portrayal of the beloved character...Jack Kirby would have approved.

Any map with the Redeemer is a good map.

Eh, as long as they don’t mess with Squirrel Girl.  I don’t need some new Doreen firing squirrel shaped energy blasts out of her wrist-squirrels.

I feel like people found detail and confused it for depth. There are loads of plot, exposition, planets, technology... but nothing resonant or genuinely meaningful. It’s OK to be fun nonsense, I feel like Star Wars has spent four decades trying to pretend it is more than that. Alec Guinness had it right...

As opposed to George Lucas’ shallow toy box ambitions

They started out with Roberts saying he wanted to make the game he always wanted to, when he made Privateer and Freelancer. Then, he fell into literally the same trap the Greg Broussard did, with Duke Nukem Forever. New tech seemed fun and shiny, new features sounded neat, he can’t accept that he’s made a mistake in

it is non-fungible

I bought the $50 “full” game in or around 14-15.

Now playing

Don’t forget Jack Deth’s boss in the Future Cop/Trancers series!

Did you seriously feel a need to write this article? Why? Whether a small development studio is all male or all female or what-have-you does not matter. Your statement of, “So, presumably, the founder had met at least a couple of women who were skilled enough to work at one of the highest-profile video game companies

I would add “My Holo Love” to the list. Very addictive sci-fi thriller about an average person, afflicted with face-blindness disorder, caught up in a ruthless battle between two tech giants, one led by a mysterious, lonely hermit. Oh, and did I mention it’s also a romcom?

I just want to register a mild disappointment in What if series in general, that it feels like it’s retained too much of the MCU construction style and not enough of the weird nonsense of the comic series. (Mostly from the comic it’s just taken and run with “and then everyone dies” endings.)

Quoting Monty Python when no one asked you to at least used to be a common Energy Vampire tactic. Akin to talking like Jar Jar Binks.

Chronicles of Amber. Because come on, we’ve been waiting 50 years to see this on a screen.

Chronicles of Amber. Because come on, we’ve been waiting 50 years to see this on a screen.

China Miéville’s Bas-Lag universe. Honestly too complex for a movie/movie series, deserves a long, juicy series/mini-series.

China Miéville’s Bas-Lag universe. Honestly too complex for a movie/movie series, deserves a long, juicy