
They are less awful, but still pretty goddamn bad.

Saying that people only care about one thing is a lot different than saying people don't care about everything equally.

Very true.

Honestly, talking about anything but the inherent emptiness of existence is pointless.

Sure you did.

America is incredibly racist.

It's one part of a discussion.

We’re at a very weird, unsettling point in modern journalism, when we can look at a conspiracy-prone ideologue like Sean Hannity and think, “Well, at least he keeps his dick in his pants.”

I've yet to come up with a better metric.

"Nolan has yet to release a bad film"

That's an interesting take, why do you say that?

"And again, it’s a fantasy authors have indulged in repeatedly, to the point where it’s starting to feel less like a sobering speculation and more like an expression of some sick, secret longing."

Please actually be the author of this shitty article.

I'd imagine that there's some hospitality etiquette involved. Plus the stoic desire to do everything possible to avoid making a scene.

I just don't understand why he doesn't get that "if parents are taking their shitty kids to a restaurant, it's probably because they had plans together and are obligated to drag their shitty kids with them" instead of some plot to ruin cuisine.

That's hilarious considering Japan has one of the blandest flavor palates in the world.

I'm a major-league foodie, but there's a whole bunch of shit I think is more important for kids to do than "eat more interesting food" like…"read books" or "get enough nutrition."

Just order shit from the actual menu. Or let them eat some of the shit you ordered.

Gotta be honest, who is surprised?

In academia that's kinda how it works. You'd think the study of all social groups would be sociology, but because it was dominated by white, straight men for so long, other groups basically fought for their own discipline and now it's gotten really…incestuous.