
Because that's what African American Studies people do!

It's David fucking Brooks, he's a clown.

Another comically terrible Brooks article.

I like how he's "here is this book that says things. The author did research."

That's a whole different clusterfuck.

He has plenty to say.

Nobody thinks they represent classical liberalism.

Matt Taibbi is not a person people need to hear.

That's not even the right stereotype.

Both of those statements effectively mean nothing. Congratulations.

What I saw from her was criticizing a particular artist and a particular way of making art. Was the implication "this should be different"? Sure. But if Spielberg is capable of creating more female-fronted stories…than why doesn't he do it more often?

It's ideological to think women should get more lead roles than they do?

Maybe people should be allowed to make the fucking criticism they want to make?

You notice how she didn't 'yell at him' she was just pointing things out and using him as an example.

Please keep digging yourself deeper.

Oh you wanna stick with that?

So your response to a person being "you're only making movies about men" is to say "well he's a man, so of course he will."



Quite interesting.