photon arbiter

I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these one day. Maybe by the time I have the money for it I’ll be able to just walk in and buy one instead of having to wait on the list. In the meantime it’s time to start saving.

Shitiot I’m pretty sure that’s the term. Shitty Idiot = Shitiot.

I spent most of my free time this weekend playing the beta on the Xbox One and my experience was different than yours. I actually enjoyed the game a bunch and can see where things need some tweaking. Once they get it there it’ll be a blast. I can agree that the movement feels a little strange, you can’t dash out of a

The weather’s always so damp there.

Are we forgetting about the front end? There’s a trunk in there too.


This is the best looking prius they’ve made yet. I’m still not interested in one, but I won’t mind seeing it in the wild.

Sega did it with the Saturn. :P

I love this comment, I mean I really love this comment, look I liked the comments from the past a lot but there’s no way those comments can stand up to this one. I talk to a lot of people online and you know what they tell me? Their comments aren’t as good as this one. That’s what they tell me. I know a lot of words,

English is called basic iirc

Apparently you can trade directly to X/Y/OR/AS as well as use the bank.

I guess you forgot about the release of Pokemon White / Black 1 and 2. Because the 3DS release was a week after White and Black 1 came out. NX won’t be a 3DS replacement but even if it was this wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.

But having him become a mentor to someone new at the beginning of a new series can easily solve that problem while letting him become the master he’s always dreamed of being. Turning him from an inexperienced novice that somehow traveled hundreds of miles and fought thousands of battles all to forget everything he’s

Ash has always had brown eyes. Going back to Pokemon the movie 2000 you can see he has brown eyes. They show up as black for most of the scenes he’s in but every now and then they would do things like this.

There’s a mom joke in here somewhere.

Today is your day.

Good jokes.

The Dude gets my point, even if he had to blow up to make sure you’d see it.

It’s perfect for heating the room then.

Flying in an airplane is very safe. These kinds of things don’t happen that frequently. Especially when you take into account the number of flights that happen world wide every day. Even these guys made it out okay.