photon arbiter

This is the most adorable one by far.

Ah I see, thanks for the reply! I hope to have some cool cars like that one day. First I have to pay off these college loans.

This was funny, but it’s your own article... should you really be quoting yourself? lol I’m conflicted here.

If I buy one (It’ll have to be the Stingray) in the nearish (5 or so years?) future I’ll be driving it every day. Unless there’s a crazy snowstorm in NYC like there was this past weekend, I don’t really think it’ll be that big of a deal versus the average car we have here. I wonder what they’re like around the winter

You should make a video about the costs of owning a C7 for peeps like me that are just starting out but have goals. :P

Those planes look so cool from the front.

What did they expect from a game that’s still in development? I really don’t see the point to analyzing it so soon. Unless its to compare against it’s final iteration.

Hold the windows key to switch to one handed mode.

My 950 has been doing well for me but I can’t wait to see what the Surface Phone is like. If they don’t end up using Astoria to port Iphone and Android apps (Thus closing the gap) then I’ll end up having to switch to an ... Iphone *Shudders* I’ve given them enough chances since the Samsung Focus came out. They need to

If they can make this thing run on solar energy we will be one step closer to unlimited charging power for our devices, imagine a future where base stations like this are as common as wifi is today. That would be so rad.

I don’t think Musk cares about earning a profit just yet, from what I’ve read he seems more interested in revolutionizing the industry than making himself more of a billionaire. I’m hoping the 2017 model is as affordable as they claim it to be because I would love to get my hands on a Tesla.

Then it’s your loss sir.

How is Asseto compared to Project Cars? When I get my hands on this wheel one day I might end up getting it. I’ll use it for Forza 6 (probably 7 by the time I get it) too.

Now playing

Maybe you don’t redline the tach in your day to day but everyone in my family does. ;)

That Hotwheels car is the reason I got into NASCAR in the first place as a kid. I was around 6 years old when it was still being used and seeing it in the N64 game really cemented my love of all things car.

I think I still have that car! Oh man this whole post is a 90s throwback for me. Growing up in NYC NASCAR isn’t very big here, but when I got my N64 around ‘98/’99 I learned all about the awesomeness. I still watch it when I can but I used to love getting all of the NASCAR toys from McDonalds, I even had a Kyle Petty

How would it know if there were spoilers on the page? Unless it was written by the Bothans. They’re master intelligence gatherers after all, it’s the only logical answer.

Maybe then we will finally be able to run Crysis.

You think you could do a better job? That level of quality takes extreme dedication and care. Respect your devs, they’re doing this for the fans. They care about the game and they want to do it right. So far they’re doing amazing work.

This bothers me. I want to play DoaX3 on my Xbox One, to me Doa is best on the Xbox. Having to import the PS4 version means that my collection is going to be weird. Maybe we can get Phil to bring over an Xbox One version? .. sigh.