photon arbiter

I’m sorry that you felt pressure to stay closeted instead of being your true self. However, this headline is extremely misleading. Street Fighter didn’t keep you from being open about your bisexuality. Society’s mistreatment of bisexual people did. Sure, Street Fighter has bad representation of LGBT people, but that

IT seems very odd to me that anyone would look at a fighting game, on purpose or just because you happen to be a fan of it, as something to find out things about their own sexuality. It would seem to me something like a RPG or MMORPG or something that get’s you more emotionally involved in the characters and story

Now playing

Fun fact: Diet Coke was and is still based on the New Coke formula, because they was introduced around the same time. This proves that the new formula is actually objectively likable, and not a sabotage plan, because Diet Coke is still crazy popular.

Hey, you guys are the media. We know about new cars because you tell us they exist, for the most part. If you call them Fastbacks, we’ll know them as Fastbacks and go to the dealer asking to see the Fastback. The customer is always right (they don’t correct our terminology) so they’ll start calling them Fastbacks, too!

I don’t know, I don’t get the whole transgender MMA argument. Fallon Fox is living her best life, that’s great! And the last thing I ever want to do is sound like Joe Rogan. But men are just bigger and stronger than women. A woman who transitions to male would be at a disadvantage fighting other men, and a man

You definitely would know something about being an ass.

Person A: politely points out that a header image could reveal something about a movie for a person who is intent on not clicking into articles that might spoil the movie

Take. A. Breath.  

How about you don’t be an ass?

Why don’t you follow your own advice?

Threatening to spoil a movie for someone who is irritated that an article spoiled a plot point makes you a huge douche canoe.

I have no idea how you can possibly describe anything I said as being an ass. Like, none. I have no idea where this kind of hostility comes from.

As much as I was mad that BW died because she is one of my fav Avengers in the films and the comics, I thought it made complete sense considering her arc and that that’s how Natasha is especially in the comics. Selfless to the end. What bothered me and most people is the aftermath. Tony got this huge send off, Cap got

I know that I have a different perspective on this, and am not here to minimize a person’s feelings on the matter, but this hostility feels misplaced. Endgame was here to serve as a conclusion to a narrative arc, not to build up new characters. The hostility should be in the fact that Marvel hasn’t done enough

HOP HOP HOP into that pussayyyyyyy

I think a car uses that building to store its collection of rich guys.

Take your fucking star for a reference that will go over many io9ers heads, LOL

“We probably have the tech to go full-on Macross

I overlooked this line! LOL Spiderman and Reality in one sentence? This leaves me speechless.

Moral vacuums are nice to have sometimes. This is one of those times. Contrast with the most recent Tomb Raider, which was weakened overall by its failure to resolve its gameplay and the underlying moral dilemma of what that gameplay would lead to in the real world.