photon arbiter

And with that my morning is made.

I know I'm just teasing :P

Castlevania : Lords of Shadow. <- Says it in the title. :P

On the plus side I've noticed that there are a lot more female students in the game majors in my college. They are mostly in the Artist role but it's encouraging. Some of my best friends are female game artists. The industry is still mostly male and I doubt that'll change for a long time, but at least the future is

Why does it matter if there are more male heroes than female ones? I'm all for having more female main characters but if the teams want to make a male hero that's up to them. Having a female lead can have effects on the writing of the character. I'm not a writer but I've read that it can be difficult to write for a

IIRC I had a gamecube controller back in the day with an M button that was basically a Z button on the left side, I think one of the Mario Party games even used it, it was the one on the demo disc that had Rouge Squadron 3.


Star Fox!

Job security is a major concern for me since I'm graduating next year and will have to apply for jobs in the industry. I'm told getting the first job is the hardest part of getting into the industry. Being a low level environment artist means I would most likely be making Barrels and Crates all of the time, this means

... Fahey, I need an adult.

You can't stop a Blizzard with a fire. Duh.

She's very pretty.

As long as E3 is around I'll be able to complete my life goal of attending it. It's one of the reasons I was so into video games as a kid, and then ultimately decided to become a game artist. I hope I get to go soon after I graduate.

wow. The dog seemed to enjoy it, what's the big deal? Humans weren't made to fly either and yet we jump out of planes for fun. It's not like they threw it out of the plane on its own. Someone who loves to skydive is sharing the experience with their best friend, I don't see a problem with it. Would I do it? No but how

I don't think its fair to call Bethesda a lazy company. Clearly they have the talent to achieve the massive scopes they set for their projects. Games like Skyrim and Oblivion are practically living worlds. When you have something that complex there's bound to be things that don't work perfectly. All games have bugs,

Adam I've been following you since those early days as a kid and I think its great that you're taking a break from doing reviews for other people. I can't wait to see what you do in the future because I know whatever it is it's going to be awesome. Enjoy your break and enjoy E3!

Seriously?... this was the premise I wanted to use for my Senior game this year... except that it would have been handled a little differently. I'll show them! *shakes fist*

Can confirm.

Totillo Nintendo Land came out in 2012. :)